

• Review of nutritional labeling and counseling for compliance with the NOM- 051-SCFI / SSA1-2010. Elaboration of front labeling (warning stamps- octagons).
• Includes calculations, dimensions and design review until the last change. Counceling on creating new labels in compliance with the norm.
• Applicable legislation to your product.
• Counseling on how to obtain the proof of conformity or opinion of compliance with Cofepris.
• RReview and adaptation of its labeling for American export (FDA compliance) In compliance with the commitments acquired in the National Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Obesity and Diabetes, the Secretary of Health published on February 14th, 2014 - Reform of Articles 2, 25 and 210 of the Control Regulation, Sanitary Products and Service (RCSPyS), to identify two channels of information for the consumer of food and non-alcoholic beverages: Obligatory to include Front Warning Labeling.



•In fulfilment to the commitments acquired in the National Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Obesity and Diabetes, the Secretary of Health published on February 14th 2014 the Reform of Articles 2, 25 and 210 of the Sanitary control of Products and Service (RCSPyS), to identify two channels of information for the consumer of food and non-alcoholic beverages.
• Obligation to include Front Warning Labeling.

On February 24, 2020, the CCONNSE and the CCNNRFS approved the modification to the official Mexican norm NOM-051-SCFI / SSAI-2010, General labeling specifications for food and non-alcoholic beverages prepackaged - commercial and health information.

Among the main changes that were approved in this NOM, is the front warning labeling that will allow the consumer to identify faster, clearer and easier to identify products with excess of critical nutrients: sugars, trans fats, saturated fats, sodium and energy content.


In the nutritional table you will already be able to find what the amount of added sugars is.
The nutrimental content will be reported in portions of 100g or 100 ml, to facilitate comparison between products.
The ingredient list will stay and all sources of sugars in the products will cluster together so get a result.
Nutritional declarations: The proportion of size that indicates the nutritional declarations is regulated.
Regulates the use of guarantees ; If a product contains warning stamps, it cannot be supported by medical associations.
Persuasive elements; The norm stipulates that products that contain one or more warning stamps, as well as precautionary captions, may not contain any advertising strategy, such as the use of characters, cartoons, etc on the packaging.
Even if the products are small they will not be exempt from the warnings!
One of the strategies of the food and beverage industry to avoid regulations, such as food and beverage drinks in schools, has been to produce "mini" packages, also known as "mini scrap".
With the modifications to the labeling, products of small sizes will used black octagons, with the number indicating the number of stamps.